We study gamification mechanisms that could enhance design activities, and discover the computational, social and psychological principles underlying successful design gamification. Specifically, we investigate potential connections among design challenges, human-comprehensible tasks and incentive mechanisms, and address challenges in Mechanism Design, Large-scale Crowdsourcing, Learning from Imperfect Solutions, and Human Cognition and Creativity Modeling. Key real-world applications include Engineering and Industrial Design Education, Design Solution Crowdsourcing, and solving computationally hard Design Optimization Problems.
We study gamification mechanisms that could enhance design activities, and discover the computational, social and psychological principles underlying successful design gamification. Specifically, we investigate potential connections among design challenges, human-comprehensible tasks and incentive mechanisms, and address challenges in Mechanism Design, Large-scale Crowdsourcing, Learning from Imperfect Solutions, and Human Cognition and Creativity Modeling. Key real-world applications include Engineering and Industrial Design Education, Design Solution Crowdsourcing, and solving computationally hard Design Optimization Problems.